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Milena's photo Personal data
Surname and name: Bianchi Milena
Born: on 14th august 1974 at 18.15 in Bassano del Grappa
Address: via Carpellina 22 - Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Profession: Political Science student at the University of Padova

Height: 1.74 m
Hair: Light chestnut-coloured
Eyes: Brown (short-sighted)
Complexion: Pale
Physique: normal

Place of Disappearance: RUE 7 NOVEMBRE at DAR CHAABANE EL FEHRI (near a NABEUL) about 18 km EAST of HAMMAMET: 70 km SOUTH of TUNIS
Date of Disappearance: Milena is missing since 23rd NOVEMBRE 1995 at 16:30, WITHOUT DOCUMENTS, CLOTHES AND ANYTHING ELSE


Many months have elapsed since Milena, guest at het friends ELISA and IVO VIOTTO'S, and attending a alnguage course, was kidnapped at DAR-CHAABANE EL FEHRI on November 23, 1995.

The investigations of local Police have not result in any safe evidence about the events. Furthermore, only recently has the cooperation between the italian Police and Interpol been allowed.

The manifold notifications about places where Milena might be have not given positive results up to now, but we are convinced that Milena is still alive and kept somewhere in Tunisia, unable to communicate with her family.

Our aim as "THE COMMITTEE FOR MILENA'S RETURN" is to get beyond the national boundaries and into all possible places where we may diffuse our message, free from any cultural or geographical barrier.

By means of the "TUNISIA RALLY 1996" we tried to spread lots of T-shirts printed with Milena's picture and the message you are reading But the tunisian authorities forbade this, like many other initiatives.

As a human case which is involving thousands of people we would be deeply grateful if ll the associations (cultural, volounteer, non-profit associations, etc.) which have web pages inserted a link to the page MILENA. We would thus involve in a short time more and more people from everywhere, so that a widespread knowlegde of this absurd story might defeat this world of abuse, of conspiracy of silence and barbarity which is undermining the basic principles and human rights proper to civilized society.

We will never give up, nor will Gilda and Bertillo Bianchi, Milena's parents, ever renounce searching their only daughter. We then invite everybody who may supply any kind of information useful to cast some light and hope on this still obscure case to contact us through the e-mail: milena{Sostituisci con chiocciola}nsoft.it